- 读了一篇微信文,其中说到要在5个方面保护好,提升好自己:(Live, Love and Learn)
- 身体
- 认知:技能,只是和思维模式
- 情绪情感:深呼吸;创造心流;活在当下
- 关系/社交:接受多元文化,提高同理心,主动扩展/主动进攻,互惠原则
- 精神上
- 周末天气太宜人了,就这件事本身就非常令人开心
- 继续跑步周末的两个早晨,周日早晨明显感到脚步沉重很多。
- 跟聪一起去了纽约,看了我们都很喜欢的作者的小型展览(那一个多小时真是感觉时间流逝又停滞的感觉)
I just want to take a moment to say the NYC trip last Saturday was really great. It definitely tops my weekly 5 things making me happy last week. The one hour spent in the exhibition of Salinger seemed so surreal as I feel that I was totally emerged myself in the history with an intelligent and curious mind. The fact that we could not take phtots forced me to read the words more diligently and be mindful at (that) moment and be present.
I would always treasure the moments we tried to decode Keith Haring's drawing, the moment we took the picture of the crowds hovering over "Starry, Starry Night", the confusion we had looking at the stripes on the red board and so much more.
I am also happy that NYPL has given you the inspiration and re-motivated you to be a writer. I thank NYPL for that. And I do appreciate all libraries for all the books and histories.
So I don't think I should be too greedy to ask you to meet my standards in terms of eating food "normally". I think my alertness is just switched on automatically.
Just want to share some thoughts.
So I don't think I should be too greedy to ask you to meet my standards in terms of eating food "normally". I think my alertness is just switched on automatically.
Just want to share some thoughts.
- 和聪一起在图书馆里呆了半个小时,在她去上数学课之前。她的数学测验有了进步。在去纽约的大巴上问她究竟是什么影响了她,促进了她,是否能够复制?