周六跑去Mountain View Park,刚跑了3公里,就开始倾盆大雨。因为视野很开阔,眼看着乌云黑压压地盖下来,心中抱着侥幸心理,直到豆大的雨滴砸在头上,身上,才狼狈地回到车里,不甘心就这么回家了,于是等到雨停,继续跑了9公里。突破了12公里大关,8英里不到的样子吧。
"There are many reasons why we run. We run to feel good, we run to achieve goals, we run to start or end the day well. Sometimes, rare moments that can’t be put into words as well as feelings, we run to have control over something in our lives. To prove a point even if we don’t know what that is. To think about something as small and primordial as the very next step in front of us. Runners sometimes need to run, because it’s the only thing that makes sense in a world where so many things don’t at all. These are the runs that are the angry or angsty or sad songs on a day we aren’t thinking too hard about them, just merely basking in the feeling. They’re the strangely entertaining scenery whirring by you when you really meant to read on the train. We’ve all had runs like these, that feel like we could run forever as fast as we can, nothing is impossible. Rarely does this run coincide with an actual race. For the Princeton Half Marathon, it did for me. Every single second of this race, there was nothing else I was meant to do but hammer the course to the ground. It was my duty."