- 听了一个非常好的podcast by John Green。短小精悍,但是意义深远。最喜欢的一个episode: Teris and seed potatoes of Leningard。后来到网上找到transcript,里面这一段是这么写的:“This pain is generally a kind of minor background anguish that only occasionally gets bad enough to take over my life, but it’s also never not there. It is hard for me to describe the pain without resorting to figurative language, but I think it is the pain of meaninglessness, the fear that my vast interior life will die with me and that my brief miraculous flicker of consciousness will not have been for anything. For me at least, there is a terrifying depravity to meaninglessness, because it calls into question not only why I write and read and garden and eat and love and everything else, but also whether I should even bother, which is a line of thinking I genuinely cannot afford to indulge. Of course, such pain must be confronted and dealt with, carefully considered and battled against. There are times for deep engagement with the overwhelming questions. But there are also times for pure and magnificently empty distraction."
Enter Tetris, which is incredibly effective at distracting me from that way-down pain. And I think effective distractions are a gift to the world, because when that background pain overwhelms me, I can't do the work of finding and building meaning in my life. Of course, distractions can become too powerful. They can begin to substitute for meaning. But I still wouldn’t want to attempt consciousness without them. Like, I hear good things about meditating until you achieve enlightenment, but in my particular case, there’s no way I’d survive it. Tetris is as close as I’m every going to get to Nirvana. I give Tetris four and a half stars.”
“I know they were trying to tell me a story that
made sense, but it doesn’t work if the story isn’t true. And when we tell those
stories to people in chronic pain, or those living with incurable illness, so
often we end up minimizing their experience. We end up expressing our doubt in
the face of their certainty, which only compounds the extent to which pain
separates the person experiencing it from the wider social order. The challenge
and responsibility of personhood, it seems to me, is to recognize personhood in
others—to listen to others’ pain and take it seriously, even when you yourself
cannot feel it. And that, I think, really does separate human life from the
quasi-life of an enterovirus. I give viral meningitis one star.”当然找到了他的网址:Nerdfighteria
- 看完了第一季Little America,在豆瓣上写了小总结相同的爱
- "Nudge"的作者是Bloomberg Opinion的contributor。他终于因为冠状病毒发了一篇小文,里面提到了一个概念"probability neglect": Suppose that a potential outcome grips your emotions, maybe because it is absolutely terrifying, maybe because it is amazingly wonderful. If so, there is an excellent chance that you will focus on it -- and pay far less attention than you should to a crucial question, which is how likely it is occur. Small risks are typically either neglected entirely or hugely overrated。作者提出了两点解决方案:The first is that unless the disease is contained in the near future, it will induce much more fear, and much more in the way of economic and social dislocation, than is warranted by the actual risk. The 2nd impilcation is that the best response to excessive fear is to put the issue of probability on epople's view screens, and to do so directly and explicitly.
- 这个周末聪有活动,都是全天的活动。两天送完她去学校,就带着狗狗去Skillman Park去跑步,周六跑了十公里,周日跑了5英里。虽然风很大,周六跑得很狼狈,但是周日调整了跑步得方向,就稍微好了一点。聪在饭桌上的态度非常不尊敬家长,我觉得是时候应该好好考虑一下我和她之间的关系和界限了。作为母亲,有本能存在。