I have a pet turtle. It's still a baby. I got him almost two years ago in Chinatown in NYC. He has many funny quirks: swimming, crawling very fast, unusually persistent, and peeing at very awkward times. We keep him in our fish tank. There are so many stories to tell about this ridiculous turtle. Here is one of them:
This story happened in the fish tank. Let me tell you a bit about how the fish tank is set up: white gravel covers the bottom with some marbles, there is a cool house with a few holes in it, a little coral reef/mountain thing, and a piece of fake seaweed. So I was watching the turtle being silly and swimming around when it entered the house floated for a bit, then swam the very top. It was strange. All I could see of the turtle was its tail. It was funny. But after 5 minutes, when it still was in the house, I was kind of worried. So I tried to pry him out. It peed on me, I ignored the pee and continued to attempt grabbling the turtle. No luck. "Mom!" I called, "Turtle's stuck in the house." She said, "HE'S GONNA SUFFOCATED. WE HAVE TO PRY THE TURTLE OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Mom yelled for dad. He came trumping down the stairs with his boxer shorts on his head. "Huh?" he grumbled.
"Turtle's stuck in the house." we female chorused.
That got his attention. He reached into the fish tank and dragged out the house so the turtle could breath. Then he reached in and up and grasped the turtle. Next, he began tugging. It was so epic! The tug of war lasted for 2 minutes. And at last - plop! The turtle fell out onto dad's waiting hands. It looked at us. And Peed.