老师讲了一天的话,所以已经声音嘶哑了。先是说了一下KG的课程安排。反正那个简单,根本就不要提了。语文,还在ABC呢,数学呢,还在数数,PATTERN啥的。然后就孩子的各项表现跟我们详细地展开了。MAY算是个优等生了吧。这对我,并不意外。意外的是看到她画的三页画,每一页画下面还有一行字,算是对画的解释,三张纸连起来算是一个故事。画的内容是她去FARM的FIELD TRIP,找玉米的过程。她在寻找的过程中,还说,“IT’S RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER。”尽管有错别字,(她毕竟还不会拼写啊)但是能够用这个词,真的是很出乎我的意料之外。
May is adjusting well to KG. She participates in whole group work and is productive during small group work and individual projects. She has improved in following the directions of all her teachers.
Reading Workshop:
May works well during Reading Workshop. She has shown an ability to read both the pictures and the words in her books. She has been willing to work with various partners and shares her ideas wtih her partner. She applies to skills/ behavior taught inthe mini-lesson to her independent and partner reading. She appears to be reading for meaning.
Read-Aloud/Shared Reading:
Letter Knowledge:
Strong-accurately identifies all lower and uppercase letters
Letter-Sound Knowledge:
Strong-accurately identifies all consonanats and short vowel sounds
Current Writing Level:
May knows that a writer breaks a stream of words into words and isolates a word in order to write it, then says that word slowly, listening for the sounds and recording the sounds she hears. She knows at least a few sight words well and spells these with ease. May writes in a way that is conventional enough that she and a teacher can often reread the text. She rereads, with uring and help, while monitoring for one-to-one matching, revising to make the actual text more closely match the intended text.
Writing Workshop:
Our goal for May is to show increasing attention to concepts of print, such as end punctuation and appropriate use of upper-and lowercase letters. We also want to begin to move may's attention from adding details to her pictures to adding the details to her writing.