Reading Grade: Proficient
- Reads Complex young adult literature
- Moves between many genres with ease
- Integrates non-fiction information to develop a deeper understanding
- Interprets sophisticated meaning in young adult literature with guidance
- Participates in complex literary discussion
Writing Grade: Proficient
- Adapts style for a wide range of purposes
- Varies sentence complexity naturally
- Uses literary devices effectively
- Integrates information from a variety of sources to increase power of writing
- Uses sophisticated descriptive language
- Uses many revision strategies effectively
May has shown progress in all subject areas. May continues to be a strongwriter, and she understands complex stories in reading. She enjoys being
challenged in math. May continues to work well both independently and in groups.
没有正式的ABCD打分,这些都是虚头八脑的东西。等下半年上了初中,那才是真正的成绩单。这也就是一个REPORT CARD。
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