路上很堵,他开车停在Columbus circle,本来还想去看看amazon的书店,但是最终没有成行。自然,有狗狗嘛,不是所有的商店都欢迎宠物狗,除了service dog。从车库出来的时候,她很anxious。一个陌生的地方让她焦虑,让她不知所措。好在我们三个还都在她身边,但是也经不住她对着车水马龙的马路和无数的陌生人感到的紧张。比尔离开我们去地铁。
我们顺着公园的东门进去,很快就到了这座Indian Hunter的雕像。她对着雕塑使劲地吼,因为那是一只狗和一个人啊。
Indian Hunter was the first sculpture in Central Park created by an American artist, John Quincy Adams Ward. Ward was interested in developing American subjects for his sculptures rather than the previous generation of sculptors who emulated the neoclassical works of Europe. This sculpture of a hunter, his bow, and arrow in hand, restraining his faithful hunting dog, shows Ward's sensitive commitment to realism and anatomy.
Rising from Bethesda Terrace is Bethesda Fountain, with the famous Angel of the Waters statue atop. The statue references the Gospel of John, which describes an angel blessing the Pool of Bethesda and giving it healing powers. The fountain commemorates the Croton water system, which first brought fresh water to New York City in 1842. The angel carries a lily in her left hand — a symbol of the water's purity, very important to a city that had previously suffered from a devastating cholera epidemic before the system was established. The piece is the only statue that was commissioned for the Park. Created by Emma Stebbins, it also marked the first time a woman received a public art commission in New York City.

她以为只要有水,她就可以去游泳。碰到从英国飞来的女子学校的学生们,跑过来,问我们能不能pet Rixi,我给了她们Rixi的零食,让Rixi乖乖地坐着。Rixi舔了她们的手,她们尖叫。我知道那种感觉,冷冷的,湿湿的。
今天一天就在中央公园呆着了,所以走遍了公园的角角落落。跑上大石头, a

中午饭出公园买了沙拉和Lady M的蛋糕,当然,还有路边摊。买的米饭。我们一直说要吃纽约的路边摊,上次来吃了早饭,这次带着Rixi,正好尝一尝午餐。很丰盛。我和聪坐在中央公园72街的长椅上。Rixi在我们的脚边,啃着我给她带来的零食。公园里人来人往,有人对我们笑;有人评论,好cute的狗狗;有人说,好香的饭;有人没有看到我们。这是属于我和我女儿的时刻,我珍惜。
带她去看她崇拜的Alexandra Hamilton的塑像。这回Rixi没有吼。她一直说,怎么这个塑像这么小。

Belvedere Castle is one of Central Park's five visitor centers. Calvert Vaux, co-designer of the Park, created the miniature castle in 1869 as a whimsical structure looking out on the reservoir to the north (now the Great Lawn) and the Ramble to the south. Belvedere provides the highest and best views of the Park and the adjacent cityscape. The castle's name is fitting, because it translates to "beautiful view" in Italian.
"Right now, the temperature in Central Park is...." That information, heard frequently on radio and TV, originates here at Belvedere Castle. Since 1919, the National Weather Service has taken measurements of New York's weather from the castle's tower with the aid of scientific instruments that measure wind speed and direction. In a fenced-in compound just south of the castle, other weather data such as rainfall are recorded and sent to the weather service's forecast office at Brookhaven National Library on Long Island.

她一直在倒数自己出生的时刻,到了那个时刻,我对她说Happy Birthday。然后就慢慢地下起雨来。好在中央公园很多桥,也就是有了很多桥洞,我们找到最近的一个,躲雨。
买了一个crepe,我们坐到大石头上,她吃crepe,我吃酸奶。最后一点,给狗狗舔了。看着别人画画。在他的身后,有一个大包,上面有一张纸,写着,“Please help me to continue to draw."

Behind Hallett's enclosures is a 3.5-acre ecosystem that mimics the wild, where small animals and birds can thrive in a secluded habitat. The Central Park Conservancy completed a reconstruction of the Pond in 2001, which included new shoreline and perimeter plantings, an island habitat for birds and turtles, a series of small pools and spillways, a cascade, and a series of seasonal floral displays at the edge of the large lawn.
If you're like many of Central Park’s visitors you may have wondered (and even asked us) "Where do the ducks go in winter?" Ducks can survive the cold and remain in Central Park as long as there is open water and they can feed on plants beneath the water’s surface. If water bodies freeze over, the waterfowl migrate south. It's uncommon for water bodies to completely freeze over today, so migration doesn't happen very often.