Never walk by a customer service mistake. You're missing the opportunity to not only help out and improve the business in question, as well as your fellow customers' experience, but you're also missing the opportunity to build your own confidence and assertiveness.
The first problem with ignoring small mistakes is that they tend to repeat themselves, and often snowball into bigger ones.
Second, if a problem isn't addressed, the person can also come to assume that it's not actually a mistake at all. Or perhaps the person you're leading is aware that something is a mistake, or at least not entirely correct, but since you've not addressed it, they'll think it's some unreasonable or bureaucratic guideline that can be readily and regularly ignored.
A final problem with letting a mistake slip by unaddressed is that even if the error itself isn't big, not addressing it weakens the person's overal ethic of discipline and reliability.
To correct small mistakes like that creates in a child a sense of paying attnetion to the little things, and ensuring every part is taken care of before moving on to the next thing.
Just as in addressing consumer errors, when correcting the mistakes of those for whom you have responsibility, there's no need to do so in ways that come off as angry and petty. be civil and encouraging.
Frankly, it's more about building personal discipline than anything else. Walking by mistakes in your personal life, of your own doing and that don't much affect anyone other than yourself, sets a bad precedent of also doing it when the stake sare higher. Small choices matter.