"Bookish girls tend to mark phases of their lives by periods of intense character identification.
Books provoke many reactions(laughter, tears, annoyance, disgust, envy, awe) and stir all kinds of responses(efforts to better oneself, motivation to visit a new city or cook something difficult or vow never to pick up a book by the same author again.)
"It's jarring to remember a time, not so long ago, when all I wanted was to own those books, to be among the writers who wrote them, to be a part of this world, a hope so inarticulate, so fundamental, so all-important that I could barely admit it to myself, let alone to other people.

When we read, we are spying on someone else's imagination and inhabiting it; the authors and their characters are momentarily our friends, even if they betray us, or we them. Even if we dislike the book or give it a negative review or give the book away when we're done. We peer into the lives they lived and the lives they conjured out of observation and inventiveness, dipping into them and then departing from their pages, taking with us what we will."

"For each of us, the books we've chosen across a lifetime reveal not only our evolving interests and tastes, but also our momentary and insatiable desires, the questions we can't stop asking, the failings we recognize in ourselves at the time, and the ones we can see clearly only years later. WE pass our lives according to our books - relishing and reacting against them, relieving their stories when we recall where we were when we read them and the reasons we did. Most people, I'm convinced, are not just searching for cocktail-party fodder when they ask what someone else is reading. They are trying to figure someone out, to get to the bottom of him. "
作者是纽约时报的读书评论的编辑,认识她是她主持的一档podcast,听着她的声音很自信,一直想象她是怎样的一位女性。现在想象也很有限,谷歌一下就全有了。这部看似是说书的书实际上说的是她自己。她第一次在BOB - book of book上的记载,后来她的恋爱,结婚,离婚,再结婚,生了三个孩子,她在亚洲,泰国的经历,她在欧洲巴黎的经历。她去英国第一件要做的事就是去书店。