
钢琴五级 (2013-11-29 09:06:37)

A3: Count notes at first, but not all even & controlled in the pulse. Generally well articulated, and better rhythm later on, with some good dynamics variety. (24 out 30)

b3: Nice tone and pedaling at this start, though the melody could sing out more. Not all accurate & fluent in the middle part, but a good repoise. (23 out of 30)

C2: A mainly tidy and fluent start, thought some rhythms could be tighter.  Not all accurate & tidy in the middle part, but some good articulation in the repoise.  A mainly tidy finish. (26 out of 30)

scales and arpeggios: Count notes at first, but not all fluent and well coordinated. One small slip in fm.  Good confrains. Mostly tidy arpeggios. (17 out of 20)

Sight-reading: Correct in the key and most of the notes at first, but not a fluent pulse.  All rather uncertian later. (13 out of 14)

Aural test: Uncertain in A but nearly all correct in B.  Wrong period in C. (14 out of 18)

Additional comments: Many good qualities her - Well Done.  Keep working on the reading.

Total 117 (离MERIT就差3分)







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