
The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns (2013-10-23 09:10:57)

作者是90后。这已经是他的第好几本书了。这本是上一本The Land of Stories的姊妹篇。


    "You're not like any other woman I've ever met," Alex told her.
    "Why is that?" Goldilocks asked.
    "You're just so confident and self-sufficient," Alex said, "So many girls -especially in my world - are so insecure and jealous.  We rely so much on one another, but we're so mean to each other at the same time. We could use more women like you to look up to."
    Goldilocks was sad to hear it. "I was all those things once," she said. "But after being on the run I've learned a life spent creating enemies isn't worth leading. Having allies is the best advantage in the world. Jealousy is just a reminder of the frustrations you have with yourself. Who has time to only concentrate on that?"
    Alex smiled.  "That's powerful," she said.  "I wish the girls at school could hear that."
    "Bring a sword to school. Trust - those girls will leave you alone," Goldilocks said.
    "Oh, I couldn't do that," Alex said. "Violence is frowned upon in my world..  It's not like it is here; it's not needed."
    Goldilocks liked the sound of that. "Then find out what your sword is - find your own advantage - and wear it proudly
.  Beat those girls at their own game by seeming perfectly content in your own life," she said.  "Then again I'm a wanted fugitive. I may not be the best person to give advice."




 2023/7/22 11:22:24  张春去年开了自己的播客电台,每期都会邀请来5-8位的女性聊天,主题往往是生活中的小事。 比如讨论相亲,有女孩说,自己有一个相亲对象,双方家长已经在四五个月内互相约见了多次,但是那个男孩始终没有出现过。这桩相亲自然是进行不下去了,她却还...