用OVERRIDE听的。她的评语:This book was very different from what I was used to reading. it is historical fiction and happens during WWI.
Bruno , the protagonist, an innocent child who unfortunately is caught right in the middle of all the chaos,is distraught about leaving his luxurious home in Berlin. he is a slightly ignorant 9 year old boy with an unsinkable ambition to be an explorer. when he moves to a dingy house at outwith(I probably spelled that wrong but it was an audio book and that's what it sounded like). there he meets lieutenant Cotler (I probably spelled that wrong too but it was an audio book and that's what it sounded like), a very vain, rude young man with a temper to beware of. he also meets Shmool,(I probably spelled that wrong as well but it was an audio book and that's what it sounded like), who becomes Bruno's best and only friend in his new home. they are separated by a fence that divides the Jews from the Germans. it is a strangely moving tale about the friendship between the 2 boys and the expenses the go to keep their relationship a secret and their determination to help the other.
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