看这本书的后1/3的时候,我几乎一直在哭。我原来以为是一本关于教育的书。只因在NY TIMES看到的一篇报道,有关到底要不要严格要求孩子的。文章的最后提到了这本书,今年10月刚出版。从图书馆借来看。两位作者,一位是老师的孩子,一位是老师的学生。非常好看。把这位老师刻画得栩栩如生。书当然是关于教育的,但是除了教育,还有这位老师的一生。他传承给他的孩子和学生的一切。
推荐MAY看。她知道是我看的书,但是看了封二后也想看,就问,“我可以看么?有什么内容是不合适的吗?” 我说,没有,强烈推荐。本来想去续借的,结果有人ON HOLD,所以得在借来的时间内看完。
Strings Attached is a tale brimming with emotion. It tells the tale of Mr. K, a ferocious orchestra teacher who terrorized his students. but beneath the furious, stomping, yelling dictator of music, Mr. K buries a terrible, dark past deep into his soul. alternately told by Melanie,Mr. K's daughter and violin prodigy, and renowned journalist Joanne Lipman, a violist, this novel narrates their experience with their teacher. it tells of how Mr. K bellowed and jabbed, how he pushed them to be even better than they thought they could ever be, how he changed their lives and turned the pain of the past into success for his students. it tells of the tragedy that struck his family, from the Holodomor to the death of his wife. it tells of his students' struggle to impress him and how he never praised them and instead called the "idyots" and "maniyaks" and how he drove them to the point of tears and desperation. and it tells of Melanie's sister, Stephanie, disappearing and leaving the other daughter and father devastated. it speaks of heartache, pain, hopelessness, despair, determination, love, passion, and happiness. it speaks of the necessity to go on. and lastly , the part where I almost cried at the death of the fierce orchestra director whose students were petrified at the sight of him but all loved him for what he did for them. and how, after decades of abandon, their instruments, long forgotten under a coat of dust, shoved under other junk, were finally picked up again to make a final tribute to him. Strings Attached is a spellbinding story. READ IT NOW OR ELSE!!
“There is so much raw pain, so much guilt, such a terrible sense of loss. The grief strikes your whole body - a throbbing pain that burrows deeper and deeper, in layers. There is the utter sense of powerlessness and frustration, the terror of not knowing - and even worse, the dread of finding out. There is the pain of seeing m parents sadness, after they have already suffered so much more than their share. There is the sudden void left by my best friend, my partner, my soul mate, our whole shared past and our dreams for the future together. There is the grief and rage associated with a life interrupted; the music she owns but hasn't yet played, the books unread, the knitting projects half done, the little string players still works in progress, the children of her own she hopes for someday. I have no way to cope with the magnitude of the shock and suddenness of events. There can be no peace, no closure. There is no way to say good-bye - no way to know if we should say good-bye- and so no way to heal."
"It's a huge commitment of time and energy to hold daily practice sessions with each child. Squeezing the violin into our already packed days is monumentally difficult. When a child is tired, hungry, distracted, or just plain not in the mood, practicing is unproductive, and achieving optimal conditions is almost as rare as a total eclipse of the sun."
“That I'm grateful for everything he taught me, grateful he has passed along this incredible gift to me that I can now pass along to my own children."
"Everything he has tried to teach me - about discipline and focus and persistence - suddenly becomes useful and urgent in a way."
"The music is his escape, his deliverance."
博文评论 (Atom)
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