后来网上搜了一下,作者写了一系列非虚构书,我们买了其中的GREAT FIRE。他的还有一本书也获得了其他的奖项:
An American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 (Newbery Honor Book)
"Loud were the cries to get to the shore."
"It was a gentle fall with little accompanying wind..."
"wallow in shallow water"
"while the predicted famine was averted, another sort of disaster began to unfold in isolated rural area."
"Every natural disaster leaves survivors with similar feelings and vivid impressions."
"The fear they felt during the storm, and the relief at having survived it, lingered in their memories for many fears afterward."
"vex at the collapse of all the principal means of intercommunication..."
"howling snowstorm"
"youthful energy, iron determination, and intelligence."
"ice collected on his clothes, weighing himself down"