
Get Out of My Life, but First Could You Drive Me & Cheryl to the Mall (1013-09-29 10:10:33)

The underlying insecurity gives rise to much cruelty.  The result of this combination of insecurity and strong attachments is an unparalleled nastiness.

Little can rival the viciousness and social desperation of eleven-to fourteen-year-old girls.

A clique can serve its purpose only by being a clique, by excluding others, by putting them down.

To an appalling degree girls' day-to-da feeling of self-wroth is directly tied to a sense of their own popularity.  One wants to be accepted and one also wants that acceptance to be as high on the social ladder as possible.

- Establishing the Boundaries
- Keeping the Rules in Place
- Obeying the spirit of the Law




 2023/7/22 11:22:24  张春去年开了自己的播客电台,每期都会邀请来5-8位的女性聊天,主题往往是生活中的小事。 比如讨论相亲,有女孩说,自己有一个相亲对象,双方家长已经在四五个月内互相约见了多次,但是那个男孩始终没有出现过。这桩相亲自然是进行不下去了,她却还...